As I was cycling home through the lamplit cobbled streets of Cambridge tonight, two things occurred to me:
1) how grateful I am to live in such an amazing place (though this isn’t anything particularly revelationary; I have the same thought pretty much every time I walk past Kings College or along the Backs) and;
2) just how preppy my wardrobe has become since living here (again, my style had always tended this way, but I realised it had reached a peak as I was riding past one of the town’s iconic outfitters – generally aimed at the town’s Tory Boys and Nobel Prize-winning professors alike – and thought just how much I fancied the crested blazers styled with raspberry chinos in the shop’s window. I’m fairly sure these are not normal sartorial urges to be having).
I’m not entirely sure whether it’s the magnificent ancient architecture (all dreaming spires, 500 year old libraries and Hogwarts-esque dining halls), the collegiate environment, the truly incredible history or just the sheer volume of clever, well-bred individuals that reside here during term time, but the town has a remarkable impact on the way in dress. While in London I’m all about black skinny jeans and sky-high heels, in Cambridge I come over all preppy and no ride on my Pashley is complete without a dandy outfit to match*. For example on the weekend (ie. when normal people wear something akin to sweat pants), when I was doing nothing more demanding than a trip to the farmer’s market in town and a coffee/cinnamon bun date with my dearest friend S, only my favourite schoolboy blazer would do.
Wearing: Vintage Sportsgirl blazer, Karen Walker frilled tuxedo dress, world-weary Marc Jacobs boots and Louis Vuitton scarf
So if you do ever pay a visit to the glorious place that is Cambridge, please feel free to bust out your preppiest outfit (shiny brogues, preppy oxford shirts and sharp tweed and/or crested blazers all welcome). And because I’m too cold and camera-shy to stand around taking photos for any longer than the two minutes required for the above photos, here’s some more inspiration for the Cambridge preppy look…
Clockwise from left: The Sartorialist, unknown editorial, Jak & Jil
Do you ‘location dress’ according to where you live, or am I the only crazy chameleon in the room here?
Love, Miss B xx
* The same phenomenon happens to me when I travel, when I seem to unconsciously mimic my surroundings.
I agree with you! I love a lot of different styles, and sometimes I would just like to celebrate the setting rather than “express” anything in particular about myself – for example, this weekend I went to a rock concert with my boyfriend (I did not even know the band) but it was fun to dress in some very uncharacteristic clothing including a black bra under a white shirt. Fun!!!
Anyway, cute outfit and cute blog!! 🙂
Weirdly, I actually do the complete opposite, and dress against city-type, which I’ve definitely been noticing a lot lately, having recently moved to Edinburgh from Glasgow.
Edinburgh style is pretty much the same as Cambridge’s (the cities are really similar anyway) whereas Glasgow is much more edgy (more like London). It’s a real fashion city, whereas in Edinburgh people are more concerned about wearing the right classics.
As someone who was formerly very fond of a bit of prepster fashion, albeit worn with a bit of a knowing wink, I’ve found myself ditching my Barbour, vintage Ralph Lauren blazers and Longchamp bag in favour of wearing piles of jewellery and skintight black ensembles.
Miss B your style is impeccable and totally appropriate for the surroundings!
Any advice re. style for a February visit to London, usually I’m a jeans and converse girl but I’d love to expand my wardrobe before/and during my visit. So any advice re. good shops or what I should wear would be appreciated!
Miss L xx
P.S. I am IN LOVE with your Marc Jacobs
Cambridge sounds as such a beautiful place to live! Love the preppy style, specially the blazers. It is so true that the place you live changes the way you dress in a certain way.
i have never been to cambridge but would absolutely LOVE to!!
I love the pic on the bike! So so cute… And yeah I know what you mean about preppy: I like nothing better than a really feminine girl in preppy clothes. Yummy! 🙂
I’m currently on the hunt for the perfect preppy blazer, so I can assure you – you’re not the only one having these sartorial urges 🙂
I want those boots!
I live near NYC and indeed dress somewhat accordingly — lots of black, as its the uniform. But I add a lot of color and texture with great accessories. I think there’s a fine line between having your own distinctive style (mine has been called European) and being a slave to your peers. I wear much more color and blue and brown than black, for example, and these colors are even quite difficult to find in New York as so many women want black…So I tend to shop a fair bit when traveling.
I do prefer to blend in when I travel, so when in Paris or London would never dream of schlepping about in sweats, as I sometimes do here when doing errands. What’s elegant and classic (an Hermes carre) in one place can read stuffy and old-school in another.
Who knew preppy could look so good with an LV scarf! I have the same scarf but think I am too old to try the preppy look! Your boots are fab!
I know exactly what you mean….Cambridge and Stamford are preppy all the way, East London seems to require textured black clothing for a grungy rock chick look whereas Cornwall has me going all surfer chick which I feel is acceptable as my husband does actually suft and we have a vintage VW campervan.
Yes I do too! I am from MA originally, and dressed up a lot more back home. Now that I live in LA, my style has gotten a lot more relaxed and casual. Whenever I go back to visit, I pack decidedly more “east coast” attire. Interesting observation!
I live in Cambridge {yay!} and would say that I dress quite preppy, but with a lot of vintage thrown in, and dress more sophisticated if I’m visiting London. However, I steer clear of Jack Wills because that kind of inforced preppiness makes me gag. However I often feel the urge to steal a blazer from one of the ‘purple boys’ from the Perse when I spot them on the bus. They’re so pretty!
I love preppy too! 🙂 Especially in falls and springs. I guess because of the blazers 🙂 BTW, that Vogue Paris September 2007 editorial is one of my favorites.
I can’t say that I’m a chameleon as I’ve lived all my life in one city 🙂 But when traveling I always try to dress accordingly to the place I’m going to. Or at least how I imagine people would dress there 🙂
W Preppy style! I would like to have the possibility to wear like this every day and to going around with my bicycle sorrounded by a more farmer context (I will be more relaxed for sure!), but in Milan is not possible…Lucky you!
ohh it sounds so lovely, beautiful and stylish!! i wish i was there! its funny though, cause i understand what you mean. i got to a college just outside of Toronto, and its usually very casual, though i like to at least look presentable and pulled together. but then when i go into the city, to shop or for work, i always class it up a bit and put more effort into looking nice.
love your style 🙂
I totally do! I’m moving to Berlin this week and I’m ready to bring the vintage/grungy princess out from deep inside of me! 😀
Preppy is fab and you pull it off with perfection! You go girl!!
OMG! You look sooo cute! I wish you posted more outfit pics!
Cambridge sounds fantastic and I love your bike..Oh my.. it is truly adorable! Wish you a great day my dear
I totally location dress too! Loving the boots and the leggings mix too! 😀
Firstly … look at you Gorgeous Girl! You are one fresh faced beauty Lady and I love these pics of you. Yes… I’m definitely influenced by my surroundings when dressing. I love the difference between dressing to live in a village near the forest and the sea and then something a whole lot different for visits to cities. I love the preppy style and could easily fall into that one!
Hope you have a fabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend xxx