My London Best Friend* made me this amazing necklace for my birthday. It’s very Marni A/W ’09 – though I should say that LBF was making these before Marni was.
I love how it looks like something found in a treasure box, and also how the brooches are a little worn and faded (I particularly love the birdy and the branch). It reminds me of rummaging through my mum’s jewellery drawers as a child and piling on as many brooches as I could (nothing much has changed then…). But most of all I treasure it because it was made just for me with love and thought – the best kind of present in my eyes.
Love, Miss B xx
*LBF and I met in a heavenly shop in Notting Hill. Instantly we bonded over our matching jewels, Chanel bags, and love of Paris and I knew it was meant to be. We had also both moved here around the same time and were sharing settling in stories about how hard it was to meet people you really clicked with in a new city. Now, she’s always my go-to date for afternoon tea, fashion week events and trips to Selfridges.
No I don’t think you need to stick to just one topic. I think the lovely thing about blogging is you can get a real sense of the bloggers personality, so writing about whatever intrests or inspires you is obviously going to bring your personality through the strongest. I am planning on updating my links as soon as I get a spare moment, so I’ll try to remember to include your blog. Good luck with it, so far it’s looking good! xxx
Thanks Coco! And it’s a pleasure to see you here x