I do love a good sale. But to emerge victorious, but also with the budget, style and dignity in tact, one has to be strategic. Otherwise, it all goes awry very quickly indeed. So, to help sort out your strategy for heading into (sales) battle, here are my top tactical tips to live by come sale month. Above all, know your budget and make a plan beforehand!
1. Know your limits: This applies to both budget and time. Know how much you’re willing to spend and how many hours you can spare before you set out. And stick to it! This saves wasting your precious time and money, and getting caught up in the flurry of not being able to resist things just because they’re on sale but then regretting the blowout afterwards.
2. Make a plan: These sales get ridiculously chaotic – clothes flying everywhere, no shop assistants to spare, and girls who suddenly forget all semblance of politeness. The only way to avoid a) getting stressed, and b) wandering about aimlessly is to plan which stores and sections you want to visit first. Order according to the stores you know you like best, which will be the most popular, and where the best bargains are to be had. Whatever you’re looking for, put your blinkers on, don’t get distracted and move strategically.
3. Know what you want: As with making a plan, this helps you determine where to head first and avoid being distracted by everything else. If you’re only looking for new shoes, then don’t wander into homewares or clothing ‘just to have a look’ – you’re bound to see something else that you suddenly want. Another good tip is to scope out the store or site a couple of days before the sale starts (ask the sales assistants when this will be if it’s not publicised). That way you can make a list of what you want and head straight for those items in the sale. On Net-a-Porter I add things to my wishlist the day before and then as soon as the sale starts head to this to see what has been discounted. It can be yours straightaway without being distracted by the things you don’t need.
4. Be realistic: If you can’t walk in heels (and don’t have the luxury of a chauffeur), then are those sky-high platform Miu Miu swallow print sandals really going to work? Is that dress that’s a size too small and made for a model with the legs of a baby giraffe really flattering, even if it is the last Marc Jacobs dress left? Remember to only buy things that genuinely flatter you and work with your everyday life.
5. Stay true to your style: If you’re normally all about vintage feminine lacy dresses, then is that cropped Alexander Wang khaki midriff sweatshirt really going to work in your wardrobe? Just because it’s on sale and looks amazing on the models, doesn’t mean it will work for you when you get home. Don’t get swayed by trends that are not for you, or by items you feel you have to have simply because they’re a designer label on sale. Stop, picture what you love to wear, and only buy into that.
6. Would you pay full price? Ask yourself this: ‘if this item were not on sale, would I still be willing to pay full price for it?’ If the answer is ‘no’, then put it back. The only exception to this is something you’ve genuinely loved and wanted, but couldn’t afford at full price. In this case, grab it now and enjoy the bargain!
Do you have any tips for tackling sales?
Love, Miss B xx
* Illustrations by me
Such a cute drawing! so talented!
Great sales tips.. and ones that you have to stick to, otherwise, as you say, you just end up with stuff for the sake of it. And I love that drawing… gorgeous! You talented lady you! xx
amazing tips!