Let me be clear that there are very few things that could incite me to get out of bed at 6am (after just 3 hours sleep), into a pair of heels and out the door on a rainy Sunday morning. But for Mulberry, I will happily do almost anything – I’m unashamedly a huge Emma Hill fangirl.
And so I came to be in the ballroom at Claridges yesterday morning, which had been transformed into an enchanted forest for the occasion (this had me a wee bit over-excited: as a child my mother would have to force me to put down my well-thumbed copy of Enid Blyton’s The Enchanted Forest). Amidst the birdies in the trees and the foxes in the woodland stood dandy waiters in hunting pinks and Duke of Wellington boots, serving us our morning tea (cakes which resembled the oversized toadstools in the room and country juices).
The utterly girl crush-worthy and classy front row: Olivia Palermo, Clemence Poesy, Kirtsten Dunst, Leith Clark, Gemma Arterton, Rebecca Hall, Rosamund Pike and Nicholas Hoult
Stepping through the threshold into the show venue, we entered the enchanted wood by nightfall. On the ceiling overhead, a thousand stars twinkled in the sky, while rambling foliage carpeted the walls. The sound of bird calls and Fantastic Mr Fox (another of my childhood favourites) hinted at what we were in for: a show that was firmly embedded in Mulberry’s unashamedly English heritage, with a magical twist reminiscent of nostalgic childhood references.
And this is exactly what Emma Hill delivered. This season the Mulberry girl goes for a trample through the woods. Nonchalantly tossing her uncle’s hunting garb on over her girlish clothes, she stomps off in the late afternoon breeze with her little dog, stops along the way to pay a visit to Fantastic Mr Fox (borrowing his tweedy refinery for good measure), watches the robins and the finches tweeting in the branches above, peeks at the magical happenings inside a ring of toadstools, and rushes home over the dried leaves as the stars come out to light the night sky.*
And just for good measure, here’s the sartorial equivalent of the sugar-hit we’ve all been waiting for – the iconic Mulberry accessories, naturally.
Tillies, Taylors and Bayswaters, oh my!
Love, Miss B xx
*I’m 99% certain this isn’t what the show notes told me the inspiration, but this is what Mulberry does to me – whisks me back to my nostalgic childhood memories of country English girls and magical forests.
This post may as well be porn. It’s a feast for the eyes, and senses! -dribbles-.
I love Mulberry…
Not might as well be, Mulberry IS my porn (especially when it’s live) 😉
B xx
pleats! studs! and those bright turquoise booties??! unff!!
I thought you’d approve of this one 😉
B xx
Loved reading your post, felt as if I was at the show myself! Looking forward to reading about the rest of the shows this week.
I am in love with that last Tillie bag! Is it a coral colour or red? I can’t tell….either way, I’m ditching my plans to buy the SS11 Tillie in Powder Beige and focusing on this beauty! NHG x
Ooh, it’s actually a gorgeous deep magenta I’d say. VERY nice
B xx
Thank you for sharing your photos! I love the tillie bag! You always have such great things on here! I love following. I ended up starting a blog of my own a few months ago-if you have a chance stop by Daily Crush-
xx Katie
Ooh I like the green booties.
Rosamund Pike is always so adorable.
It’s funny: Mulberry isn’t such a big or well-known brand here in the States, though the ads do appear in U.S. Vogue. Fun to get an insider’s view.
I don’t know HOW you are managing on so little sleep, but I’m so glad you are.
That is one amazing front row, there is a lot of talent and class floating around between those lovely ladies!
And Enid Blyton and Roald Dahl books filled my childhood too 😉
I loveeeeeeee your photos! I’m so proud of how far you’ve come in blogging with all these invites! You’re such an inspiration!
I too get the pixie-childhood forest vibe from Mulberry, and I love it!
Oh, thank you so much lovely!
B xx
Classic, sophisticated and girly. An awesome collection.
i am droooling over those bags! ugh, why can’t i be rich and buy them all?!
Hey lovely,
Hope you enjoyed LFW as much as I did. The Mulberry show looks absolutely amazing – almost more fond of the setting and frow. I did say almost though! So very badly lusting after that bag now…help! x
Had a wonderful time, thank you – sorry we didn’t cross paths at all. And I know what you mean, Mulberry are conspiring to bankrupt me with their loveliness!
B xx
Wow.. just wow!! One day I will make it to a magical Mulberry show – I loved reading this post… it was almost as good as being there.. almost! And what a front row… am sighing here with pure fashion indulgence! xxx
Oh, I really hope you do next season! They just spare no effort in setting the mood in every way – it was SO much fun to be at!
B xx