Show invites are especially good when they come with treats! Isn’t Mulberry’s Fantastic Mr Fox-shaped gingerbread too cute for words?
I don’t know where all the time suddenly evaporated to, but London Fashion Week begins TOMORROW. Despite my best-laid plans to have six complete outfits – chic enough for the enhanced sartorial calibre of Fashion Week, appropriate enough to take me from 7am backstage call times through to parties at 11pm, and comfortable/warm enough for me to not be longing for my duvet and pyjamas the entire time (gosh, who knew getting dressed was so much hard work??) – styled and packed, a neatly sorted stack of invites, and a coordinated show schedule planned with military precision and neatly printed, I’m predictably far from ready.
All of a sudden, I seem to have a wardrobe which consists entirely of fabulous (yet impractical) shoes and bags, a lot of black trousers (in fact, a lot of black everything), drawers of jewels/superfluous decorations and, well… little else to fit in the middle.* At this rate I’ll be turning up to the first show in pyjamas and heels. Maybe I could spark a trend.
I made a feeble attempt to overcome this unpreparedness this evening, with the result looking something like a mad cat lady’s jumble sale. When I saw the look on the Clever Boyfriend’s face (ie. sheer horror that every surface was strewn with clothes he barely knew I owned), I gave up and scooped the entire lot back into the closet. I’m now working on the theory that I work better under pressure anyway – this approach did, after all, get me through three degrees at University (I had both the High Distinctions and the stress-induced eye bags to prove it) and will probably end up tossing my usual ‘wardrobe’ into my case at midnight tomorrow. With about 10 pairs of fabulous (yet impractical) shoes to go along side. Obviously.
P.S. During Fashion Week, I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll again be joining the ever fabulous Sasha Wilkins of Liberty London Girl, who is running the official Mercedes Benz London Fashion Week social media coverage. We’ll be going backstage, behind the scenes, on the front rows and to all the best parties and events to bring you all the Fashion Week news as it unfolds. You can follow us on Twitter here, as well as on the excellent official MercedesLFW smartphone app here. And I’ll of course be bringing you lots of peeks at Fashion Week through my eyes over the coming days and weeks on here. Don’t forget to join me on my own Twitter and Facebook pages if you haven’t already.
Love, Miss B xx
Hey lovely!
So excited for it all to kick off tomorrow. Hoping to actually meet up with you this time although thinking you’ll be very very busy…! Will DM you my number in case you have a free minute. Otherwise – coffee in Cambridge some time?
lots of love x
How exciting though!! I can’t wait to follow your coverage, pyjama’s & heels and all =)
I can’t wait for it to start. Remember you are our eyes and ears, so be omnipresent (and I am sure you’ll make us all proud with your outfits!) 🙂
p.s. TY for lovely lovely comments 🙂
Really looking forward to your posts for the next week, and pea green with envy for your opportunity to attend so many shows (and at such close range).
You have a lot of wonderful accessories in your wardrobe.
so lovely. x hivennn
Have fun B! And that Fantastic Mr Fox cookie is adorable! 🙂 xxx
just so you know, i’m still crying inside!! but i cannot wait to see all your upcoming coverage. xx