When I was a child, I lived in a happy world of ballet classes, tea parties in the garden, and an insatiable appetite for fantastical fairytale stories. I was sure I would resist the lure of the Royal Wedding, but all of a sudden this week, I couldn’t help but be enormously excited by the decadence and romance of it all. For this was the story of the lovely and handsome (if slightly balding) Prince finding his love – who was neither a titled Royal nor an aristocrat – who would become his Princess. And all the ingredients from those stories I loved so much were there: a grand kingdom (I’ve never seen London looking more spectacular and beautiful than it did yesterday, the streets swept clean and lined with Union Jacks fluttering on the breeze); a gorgeous princess (I gasped when she stepped from her car in her lace McQueen dress) and her adoring Prince (when William stepped out in his red military regalia, I think my heart went aflutter, for he looked just like the Prince from all my fairytale books); a good dose of pomp and fanfare (in the form of a gilded horse-drawn carriage, the Household Cavalry in their dashing dress uniforms and the sounds of the State Trumpeters as the Queen entered the Abbey); and of course, a story of strong and enduring love (the couple’s giggles after their balcony kisses, William’s sweet whispers and stolen winks during the ceremony… these are the symbols of a pair genuinely comfortable together and in love with one another).
So, as this was a day worthy of a fairytale, I decided only the girliest of frou frou tea parties would do. There were vintage pink champagne glasses and elderflower cocktails, English tea and fine china, rose biscuits, tarts and berries, and of course Vogue, jewels and sorbet-coloured porcelain scented candles. Although I love searching for the best afternoon tea at London’s finest establishments, isn’t it always just as fun to throw a fabulous afternoon at home?
And while I’m now old enough to realise that beyond my happy dreamworld there lies a worldly reality, isn’t it wonderful and good for one’s soul to even for the briefest of hours forget all those things and instead just come together to celebrate moments of love, and of happiness, and of all that is beautiful and fun in the world.
Because despite the wars and discontent and sadness that are very much realities for so many in this world of ours, sometimes, just sometimes, those lovely fairytales really do come true.
Did you all watch the Royal Wedding? Did you find it as lovely and romantic as I did?
Love, Miss B xx
I loved it!!! And the whole time I was saying: “Oh I wish I was there!” lol!
BTW, I got my IM boots on ebay. I just got really lucky. The zara shoes are new at my store. The reference # is 5504/001 in case you want to call your local store. I’m sure you’ll find them there because every time I want something from zara or topshop, I always get them on ebay from English sellers (just got a pair of zara heels this morning from a seller in Leeds). Finally, the sheer maxi skirt is from AA. Here’s the link: http://store.americanapparel.net/rsa0320.html?cid=151
Have a great weekend Miss B!!!
Thanks Emmy! I’ll try and track them all down
B xx
Yes, and yes. Up at 4:00 a.m. NY time and watched every bit of it. I found it all lovely and human and charming.
I blogged about my two weeks’ hanging about Queen E II and Prince Philip when I was a young journo and they toured Canada — including G & Ts aboard Britannia. Talk about some serious jewelry, not to mention the “purple corridor.”
What a lovely post, it definitely was a fairytale day, I loved it!
Until yesterday, I was so sure I wasn’t interested in the whole royal wedding thing.But then…! It really was such a fairytale from the dress right down to the ‘just wed’ drive. You’ve put my thoughts into words, and very beautifully so. xx
Thank you so much Trisha!
B xx
Wasn’t it just a fairytale day?! I loved it as much as you I’m sure… long live the dreaming x
Amen – there should *always* be room for dreaming, I say 😉
B xx
You put it perfectly, it is great to escape to a fairytale world for a couple of hours. I’ve been surprised at how emotional it all has been. For me watching Diana and Charles wedding as a very little girl is what started my fascination of all things British and what lead me to living here today!
(:-))))))) – your description even makes me soppy (:-)))))))))))))
Lovely post! Yes I watched it, Kate’s dress was gorgeus! I watched the whole thing when it went live. Great photos of the tea party too.
When I read your post I am convinced that we would get on so well 🙂 I tried not to get excited about the wedding but I set my alarm in the US and got up super early to watch the build up and ceremony. I went a little teary also! I love these super feminine images in your post. I’m looking out for some wide rimmed champagne glasses just like it. Fairytales do come true, and a girl gotta dream…
I couldn’t help but get excited too (and yes, there were a few tears…). And thanks, I love the pink glasses too (they’re vintage 60s champagne bowls I found on ebay for a steal)
B xx
That sounds like a great party! My mother and I considered going to a hotel to watch the festivities on the big screen, but at 5 a.m. (we’re in NY), we both decided it would be better to just stay at home and watch from the comfort of our den. A little less pomp and circumstance, perhaps, but it was fun to watch all the same!
I love that little gold Big Ben (err, Clock Tower!). Is it a keychain or just a little standing trinket of sorts?
How fun! And yes, it’s actually a charm that I found attached to a necklace in a stall on Portobello Road (but which I pulled off – it was a little too big to wear as a charm) and which now stands happily next to a cluster of candles on my bedside table)
B xx
Yes! I felt the same, it was beautiful, a real-life fairy tale. Your description gave me goose pimples, loved reading it! x
I’m so very flattered, thank you.
B xx
I love with the romantic atmosphere of your pictures!
To be honest I didn’t care much about the royal wedding until the very day and was greatly impressed by how beautiful, genuine and well-orchestrated the whole ceremony turned out to be. A very touching event.