Happy New Year my lovelies! I hope you all had a wonderful start to the year? (I kicked mine off as I mean to go on: with loved ones, fireworks, pink champagne and a lot of sparkles).
If there is one time of year that enables us to completely shift our perspective on things, it’s the prospect of a clean slate a new year brings. In 2013, I resolve to view the world through rose-tinted glasses; to find joy in small pleasures and to be a better version of myself. Here are a few of my favourite ways to fastrack to a sparklier year:
1. Don’t save your favourite things for ‘a special occasion’. Life is the special occasion! Treat every day like a party and wear a tangle of your treasures necklaces, a cluster of your grandmother’s brooches, or your favourite party dresses each day.
2. Be kind to your body. Get enough sleep and sunshine, eat well, drink gallons of water and move about. You’ll not only be overflowing with energy, but look gorgeous and radiant too.
3. Practise random acts of kindness. Tell a stranger in the street how great they look, leave a little note with a tip at your local cafe saying how much you adore their cake, volunteer for a worthy local cause. It doesn’t really matter what it is, but doing lovely, selfless things often will make you smile on the inside.
4. Always buy yourself a bunch of flowers. They needn’t be expensive (in spring, I love nothing more than $2 bunches of daffodils and white narcissi on my windowsill), but they will add a loveliness to your home which belies their cost.
5. Reinvigorate your look. If you’re in wardrobe rut, make an effort to do your hair and put on your cutest heels for no particular reason at all. You’ll spend the day feeling that little bit lovelier.
6. Don’t let grey skies get you down. Treat it as an excuse to wear a poppy pink lipstick, an adorable umbrella and perhaps a shot of pastel or fuschia in your outfit (the same optimistic rules apply to bad days).
7. Don’t get stuck in a rut; tweak your everyday routines to make them special rituals. Can’t function without your morning tea or coffee? Have it in your prettiest china instead so it feels like you’re having a tea party every single morning!
8. One day every week (without fail), go on a date with someone you love. It doesn’t need to be grand or over the top. Why not go someone fabulous with your best friend on pay day every single month for a single cocktail? Or get dressed up and go and see a musical you’ve been wanting to see for ages all by yourself? Or a bike ride at sunset with your loved one? Whatever it is, make time for special moments with the people you love.
9. Literally add some sparkle to your home. Buy yourself some (affordable) art that makes you smile. Treasure-hunt some beautiful vintage pink cocktail glasses. String some fairy lights around your doorways, or DIY it and make a garland of glittery bunting to string up across your wall.
10. If you’re feeling uninspired, broaden your horizons. Make plans to take a trip to a city you’ve always wanted to explore, visit a new museum in your area, or go to your favourite bookstore for something wonderful to read this week. Instant inspiration!
Lulu Guinness lips clutch (c/o), Jimmy Choo heels, vintage 1950s pink champagne glasses (found on ebay), ASOS earrings, vintage crystal brooches, Jennifer Loiselle ‘oui’ brooch, pink glass candle votives from Catbird.
What are your goals and plans for the year ahead? Wishing you all a wonderful 2013!
Love, Miss B xx
(This is an edited version of an article I wrote for the Glitter Guide last New Year. See the original post here.)
i so agree with you getting lots of sleep and water – so simple but so effective! xx
Loved this post, Briony! xx
Beautiful post. I’m with you on the bubbles. Happy New Year. K xox
I absolutely adore this post and have been thinking of doing things like this, this year! I think it will just make me more happy and make my life more special 🙂
oh and Happy New Year!
This was such a nice post.
I love the design of this blog and the posts
You’re pretty inspirational 🙂
What a wonderful post! I enjoyed reading it. I agree with pretty everything you wrote. Plus I sure should drink more water..
This post is wonderful, so sweet!
love this post! 🙂
Irene Wibowo
I love your posts. They are always so inspiring. I agree with all the above. We do need to take care of ourselfs, enjoy our lives and stop keeping things (clothes, shoes, jewelry, china..) for some “special” days. Every day should be special and amazing. : )
i love this post, so beautiful and inspiring! I agree with each and every point, so important to look for the little things to find the greatest happiness.
Lady B, love your list and you know I adore reading about RAOK. It always makes me smile to do one or read about one too. Love the shoes BTW! Gold Choos are essential to sparkle 😉 xxx
Now this is a new year’s resolution post I like! It really is the little pleasures and luxuries in life that can make a difference! Nothing more fun than surrounding yourself with a few pretty things – I’ve just put up new fairy lights, perfect for cosy winter nights.
Simply amazing tips
What a wonderfully inspirational post! 🙂
Great tips to start the new year. And so very true – it’s all about changing even the minutest things in your life and it can suddenly become more beautiful and glamorous.
Those Jimmy Choos always take my breath away… xxx
Love your list of tips Bri! xx
Such a beautiful and inspiring post, you are such a breath of sunshine on the internet! (if that even makes sense!) xxx
These are absolutely fabulous!! I love all of them and I truly hope that I incorporate more of then in my life this year.
Best wishes for a wonderful 2013!!
Great tips! I desperately need to follow a few of them to brighten up my days amidst all this rain and a couple of weeks fighting off a vicious flu.
I’m truly inspired! Thank you for making me want to add more sparkle to 2013 – a truly great wonderful way to live.
You make some great points and I could not agree with you more- la vie en rose is definitely the way forward. Sparkles and kindness put smiles on face – as does seeing your Instagram pictures and blog posts. Keep doing what you are doing darling! x
Great blog! I like it! I follow you on bloglovin and fb!
Cheap and Glamour
What a lovely list you have made… So very inspiring! xo
Thanks for this lovely post – full of brilliant advice and so very inspiring!
so inspiring!
xoxo from nyc
OMG I want those champagne glasses sooooo badly. Vintage shopping tomorrow …..
These tips are just so lovely and cute. It’s the little things that make a difference isn’t it?! Some fresh flowers and a cup of tea from my pretty china teapot is just what I need. I’ve sent this to my girlfriends too so watch out for us on payday.
Eva x
Very girly blog! love it :*
thank you so much, that’s great
Fantastic post and wonderful advice! Merci ma belle!
You’re skilled at the positive, uplifting writing thing! Xx
Just reading this post has made my day better Briony. Even though it’s Feb now!