Hello from Cambridge! Sincere apologies for the sporadic posting around here; this month is proving extra hectic between election campaigning (don’t forget to vote today!), wedding planning (and my inability to delegate anything), and trying to finish all my work projects in time to be be able to take a couple of weeks off to spend with friends and family (who will soon be arriving from all around the world).
Although these are all excellent reasons to be busy, it hasn’t left much room for downtime. Feeling overwhelmed and knowing my tendency to keep going until I burnout, I knew I needed to carve out a little time for self-care in the form of Vitamin D and switching off (read: ignoring my 7 inboxes for just a moment). So on the weekend amidst wedding admin at our venue, I grabbed my boyfriend, threw together a hasty picnic, and headed for the river to spend even an hour reading a book in the sunshine together.
In summer I love those sunny, lazy days where you just switch off, throw on something that makes you smile, and spend the entire afternoon lazing in the park. And while this wasn’t quite one of those gloriously leisurely days, it was still exactly what I needed.
While it’s all too easy to wax lyrical about the importance of making room for fun (and I know blogs – including my own – can perpetuate this myth that everyone else is having the time of the lives whilst we’re chained to our desk / doing laundry / running around after children / etc.), sometimes even taking time out can feel like just another task on an already manageable ‘to do’ list.
But as our mini afternoon picnic reminded me, no matter how hectic things are – indeed, especially when things are hectic – it is so important to take an hour or two to just ignore everything you should be doing, get outside (instead of admiring the sunshine through your office window), and do whatever makes you feel happy. You’ll help avoid that dreaded feeling of ‘overwhelm’, make some new memories (because no amount of email-replying will do that), and come back feeling more calm and refreshed.
So here’s to us all remembering to put self-care at the top of the ‘to do’ list and carving out some indulgently lazy time every day.
Wearing: Anthropologie dress c/- (I also bought this similar version) // J.Crew sandals // Eugenia Kim hat (past season but similar style here + inexpensive version here) // Cambridge Satchel Co bag c/- (currently on 50% off here) // Anthropologie sunglasses // Kenneth Jay Lane bracelets // John Lewis picnic basket // Marks & Spencer picnic plates // H&M picnic rug (actually a linen tablecloth!)
Beauty: Deborah Lippmann ‘Naked’ nailpolish // Chantecaille ‘Sheen’ illuminator c/- // Clarins self tan (so good + smells like fig) // Charlotte Tilbury ‘Kim KW’ lipstick.
What are your best strategies for carving out downtime when your schedule threatens to overwhelm you? All tips gratefully received!
Love, Miss B xx
Photos by Joe Galvin
love the cute and adorable look by the water! 
Thank you so much!
Briony x
You are too cute, B! I’m excited to see you at another Cambridge picnic soooon!! I actually left my phone in Spain on a job (I get it back Sunday) and yesterday, I took the day off with my husband to go to a museum, vote, go to the pub and enjoy each other’s company. I haven’t been without my phone for years and it was liberating…..
I can’t wait to see you in Cambridge soon (two weeks!).
And I actually love those days where you go to brunch, an exhibition, and just wherever the afternoon takes you (no plan weekends are the best). Can’t wait to have one of them when we’re on the other side of the wedding!
Briony xx
I love the dress on you even better than the model from Anthropologie!
Wow, I’m an Anthropologie super-fan, so that’s such a compliment. Thank you!
Briony x
You look so adorable! <3
In love with your summer dress! So cute, thanks for the share. Keep up the posts.
This is true in so many levels! Often, we think making room for fun will just lessen the time we spend on “more important” things. But in reality, this reset – doing things that make us happy – enables us to be more effective in what we do, rather than it being counterproductive. Love this as I too, often forget how important it is to take a mental break – a real break, that is.