A little later than planned, but happy 2020 everyone! Don’t you just love the feeling of a fresh start that a new year lends? After a blissfully lovely few weeks spent with our family over the holidays (who descended en masse from Australia just in time for Christmas), it’s been so lovely to spend the first part of January hibernating at home, generally taking it slow, and thinking about how I want the year ahead to feel. I gave up binding resolutions years ago, but I do like to give myself a few guiding principles in the form of my annual intentions. So without further ado, 20 goals for 2020:
1. Quit the crippling negative self-talk // This is the number one thing I need to work on. Although my mental health is usually in good shape, I have often struggled with my self-confidence. Usually this manifests as imposter syndrome (feeling like I’m not good enough and that it’s only a matter of time before everyone else realises it too), focussing too much on my failures rather than all the things I have achieved, and a paralysing sense of defeat when I feel I’m not meeting my own impossibly high standards. If I do nothing else this year other than to learn to curtail my self-criticism, I will be happy!
2. Book a (belated) honeymoon // We had originally intended to take a honeymoon in the winter following our wedding, but life got in the way (a mix of hectic work schedules and our beloved Coco getting sick and needing life-saving surgery, which was $$$) and we had to postpone. Because we sort of missed the window, we never quite got around to planning another one. But life is short, so we’re determined to take a wonderful vacation together next January (winter here is too long, so we like the idea of escaping for some sunshine somewhere exotic). We’re thinking somewhere off the grid and more indulgent than our usual city breaks – perhaps the Maldives, Caribbean, or a Kenyan safari – but all suggestions gratefully received!
3. Visit a new country // I derive so much happiness from exploring the world and learning about new cultures and ways of life, so this is something I always have on my list of goals every single year – and most years I’ve managed to achieve it (in 2019 it was Greece, 2018 Portugal, 2017 Spain, 2016 Estonia, 2015 Belgium, 2014 Austria, 2013 Thailand, 2012 Germany, 2011 Russia, 2010 Morocco). I’m not certain which new country it will be this year, but hopefully our honeymoon will take care of that!
4. Visit my beloved Paris // As I’m sure you all know, I just adore Paris. I’ve now been so many times that I can just wander around my favourite neighbourhoods, laze in my favourite parks and museums, and spend time soaking it all up without feeling the need to rush around and tick off as many sights as possible. I always feel like the best version of myself in Paris, and it’s also where I seem do my best thinking. I also love that it’s just a train ride away (a significant part of the appeal when I was planning to move to England), so I view as visit there as a mental reset and a self-care gift to myself.
5. … and return to Greece or Italy // My husband and I visited Italy for a week in 2016, and I have been longing to return as it’s hands-down one of my favourite places so far. Similarly, a girlfriend and sailed around the Greek Islands for 10 days last summer, and it was one of best experiences of my whole life, so we’re already plotting to do it again around a different group of islands either this summer or next.
6. Be better at blogging // One of the things I definitely failed at over the winter is finding a consistent blog posting schedule, and it has been a constant source of guilt for me. A combination of point #1 combined with the fact I always put my blog last when I am busy with other client work meant I fell out of my routine and then didn’t quite know how to start up again. I need to get better about treating my own blog like a client, and also accepting that posting something good is better than not posting anything just because I don’t think it’s perfect.
7. Finally start a real blog newsletter // I honestly don’t know why I have never done this, but it is long-overdue and I am determined to remedy that this year!
8. Marie Kondo our entire place // Every January I get the urge to hibernate at home and deep clean, de-clutter and organise all my possessions. I did a pretty good job of this last year and got rid of a huge amount of clothes (and have drastically changed my shopping habits ever since), but this year I want to streamline even further and go through every single cupboard, drawer and surface to clear out everything that isn’t truly loved or being used.
9. Do better at learning French // Although I learned Chinese in school (a skill I have sadly used approximately never…), I am determined to be proficient at conversational French. I took private lessons for a while a couple of years ago, and have been trying to continue via DuoLingo since then. But I seem to get derailed whenever life gets in the way, and then feel like I have to virtually start all over again when I pick it back up. This year I’m planning to practice for 10 minutes every day, which isn’t enough time to improve at any speed, but I’m hoping it’s a small enough commitment that I can incorporate it into my daily routine and stick to it no matter what the day throws at me.
10. Be better at recognising and celebrating my achievements // This is also bound up with point #1, but I am very good at internally dwelling on all the things I am failing at and very bad at celebrating or congratulating myself for all the wins – big and small – that I have achieved. I know rationally I’ve got that the wrong way around, so I vow give myself more mental high-fives and actually believe people when they pay me a compliment, ha!
11. Find a workout routine I actually enjoy // I am cursed with a very bad back (I have scoliosis, which means my spine is ‘S’-shaped, rather than straight as it should be), so I am extremely conscious of the importance of staying as fit as possible so that my pain is limited by a strong core. Coupled with the fact I’m now nearing my late-30s, I’m increasingly aware of the fact I can’t take my health for granted and that it’s something I am extremely fortunate to have. About three years ago I finally committed to properly working out three times a week, but I never really love going to the gym. This year, I’m determined to find a routine that makes me actually want to exercise because I love it, rather than doing it because I should.
12. Practice gratitude daily // This was probably the best habit I formed in 2019 and one I want to continue this year. The start of last year felt hard in many ways and it was taking a toll on my usually sunny disposition, so I was determined to find a way to reset my mindset and stay positive regardless of the situation. It’s a simple practice that involves thinking of three things I’m grateful for every single morning, and whenever I find myself worrying too much about something that feels like it’s going wrong, I instead think of something else that is going right and that I’m lucky to have. It means that I start the day off on a positive note, and am not constantly feeling unsatisfied because I’m appreciative of what I do have.
13. Continue to be more conscious about my consumerism // I was always raised to be conscious the impact of my decisions and actions on the environment and others (my mother enforced recycling, organic produce, and refusing single-use plastic in our household long before it was cool), but I’ve become increasingly worried about the state of our planet and the need to make better choices whenever possible. For me, that means buying a lot less but buying better, cutting out all single-use plastic wherever possible, and making my purchases aren’t contributing to the exploitation of workers or animals.
14. Find more ways to do good // While #13 is a big focus for me this year, I also want to make sure I’m doing something each day which make the world around me a tiny bit better than I found it. In January, I’ve pledged to not buy a single thing (other than groceries) and instead donate my entire budget to wildlife rescue charities in the wake of the devastating bushfires in Australia, but I want to continue that spirit throughout the year and find more organisations to support, practice acts of kindness often, and help others whenever I can.
15. Streamline my wardrobe // While my style has remained fairly consistent over the past decade, I realised a few years ago that I’m happiest when I stay true to my own taste rather than feeling the pressure to follow trends or own the latest ‘must-have’ piece (which is usually played out a year later). Related to #8 and #13, I am making a conscious effort to gradually let go of the things I bought on a whim, which I don’t actually wear, or which don’t really suit or fit me anymore and replace them with fewer, but better quality pieces which I know I’ll treasure for many years to come.
16. Nurture the friendships make me smile // I realised a long time ago that I’m never going to the girl with a huge circle of friends (moving halfway around the world, combined with being an introvert will see to that). But I have a handful of close girlfriends who I absolutely treasure, and want to nurture those relationships – and scale back on those which are too negative or that feel too much like hard work.
17. Have a ‘fun day’ every month // Something I started to do last year, and want to continue this year is a monthly treat to myself that is purely for fun. It might be a massage followed by afternoon tea somewhere indulgent, a fancy dinner followed by a West End show, or a sleepover and brunch date with a girlfriend. Whatever it is, I’ll make sure I have something I’m really looking forward to in my diary each month.
18. Finally master a good morning routine // I’m a grown adult; I really should be able to put myself to bed on time, wake up at the same time every day, and have a relaxed yet consistent morning routine and yet somehow it’s always different and I often find myself wondering where the morning went.
19. Read at least 20 books // I love reading, but don’t always manage to carve out enough time to do it as often and as quickly as I’d like – it seems to take me weeks to actually get though a book, and I have so many in my ‘to read’ stack that I’ll often be reading six different books at once and never get to the end of some – another bad habit I’m determined to break.
20. Start writing a book // I have dreamed of writing a book myself for as long as I can remember, and have so many different ideas swirling around in my head, but I haven’t quite settled upon the perfect concept (yet). This year I’d love to set aside some real time to work on a few ideas and see if they have enough traction to become a fully-fledged book.
Wearing: & Other Stories dress (shorter style here) // ASOS headband (also in clear) // Amazon pearl bag // Christian Louboutin shoes (similar style here) // Astley Clarke earrings c/- (less expensive style here) // Bobbi Brown ‘Red Carpet’ lipstick*
I’d love to know what you’re working towards this year. Wishing you all a magnificent 2020!
Love, Briony xx
Photos by Joe Galvin. *Contains some affiliate links
I’d like to work on my blogging too and I think starting a newsletter is a great idea. These photos are lovely you look gorgeous! Wishing you all the best with your goals xx